Getting a job is a pivotal point in any woman’s life. The transition from being a student to being an independent, working woman is a huge cause for celebration but it can also be a bit scary in some ways. There’s the pressure of performing for the job but there’s also pressure to dress professionally for the first time in your life. You’re no longer a student who can wear jeans and a sweatshirt without having to worry about what everyone thinks of you. Dressing for the job can be a huge factor in your success. The more professional you look the more seriously people will take you. That’s why it’s important to put effort into your appearance! Here are a few things that can help ease the transition from student to professional.
1) Blazers are your friend
When it comes to looking profession, there’s nothing more helpful than a blazer. Throwing on one of these babies can take an outfit from drab to fab in a matter of seconds. Blazers give off a professional vibe and they also come in a large number of varieties which can keep you from look stuffy and boring. Blazers, even those worn for work don’t have to be boring at all. Try one in a color other than black to brighten up your look!

2) Err on the side of caution
When it comes to professional environments, it’s best to err on the side of caution when deciding if something is appropriate to wear to the work place. Your aim is to be seen as a professional and to impress your co-workers and superiors with your work ethic. Don’t let your looks get in the way of its. Stay away from clothes that are too tight, low cut, form fitting etc. Leave these clothes for nights out on the weekend and after work. When getting ready for your job, if you feel that your clothes aren’t appropriate, go with that instinct and reach for something else.

3) Details make the difference
Just because you’re at work doesn’t mean you have to dress boringly. There are a ton of different ways to add personality to your outfit while still being work appropriate. For example, you can always throw on a statement necklace with your shift dress. You can choose a skirt or a blouse that’s an interesting color. Office clothes don’t just have to be black, navy, or brown. You can even have fun with your shoes. Try a pair of printed pumps rather than the traditional black for a fresh look!
