You’re going to want to wear make up to school, and it’s definitely a problem if your school doesn’t allow it. Even if your school rules don’t ban make up, you don’t want to look over-the-top. Subtle, simple make up is all you need, and here are some time- and money- efficient tips.
If you have relatively good skin, but a few little pimples or blemishes, you can skip the foundation and just apply a little concealer that matches your skin tone exactly to the problem spots on your face. If you feel you need foundation, go for a light, non-comodgenic base. Caking on a huge amount of foundation will make you break out.
Mineral make up with sun protection included does double duty, and I find powders to be nice and light. Find the right make up for you by going to the cosmetics counter of a department store and testing the make up on your jaw line. Make sure it matches and feels right. Don’t feel shy asking the clerk in the beauty section for help (that’s what she’s there for!).
Eye makeup:
Heavy duty eye makeup isn’t necessary for school save smoky eyes and other daring looks for parties and weekends. If you really want to wear eye makeup to school, find a subtle eye shadow that you can lightly apply to your eyelid, and apply a stroke of mascara (or just use an eyelash curler to curl your eyelashes, if you’re a bit clumsy wit mascara, or prefer an even more natural look.)
Steer clear of lipstick wearing at school. And don’t go near lip liner with a ten foot pole, ever! (Lip liner equals DISASTER.) A nice, subtle lip gloss is all you need. Keep sparkles for night time. You can either get a long wearing lip gloss, or just do touch ups between classes.
Makeup bag:
Put a small makeup bag in your school bag, with a concealer, mascara and lip gloss for touch ups through the day (like after PE class). Makeup remover wipes will probably come in handy too, and you can get really nice ones that also cleanse and tone.
And of course, you don’t have to wear makeup to school at all, if you don’t want to. But if you do, keep the makeup experiments to out-of-school-hours.

Need more? Here’s a helpful youTube vid you might want to check out –